The Basics

  • The annual assessment is $60 per year to be paid in December (by January 31st)
  • Payments are made to Capital Property Solutions* and can be paid through the CPS Portal or mailed to CPS
    • To gain access to the portal or have questions about your account balance, notify CPS
  • A late fee of $5 per month automatically added if the payment is late

*CPS has been hired to perform financial services only.  All other HOA process are managed by the all-volunteer HOA Board, which has been in place since 1983.

About the Annual Assessment

The annual assessment is used for upkeep and maintenance of the common areas located at the neighborhood entrances, to pay for legal expenses related to enforcing regulations, to maintain insurance for the board and its officers, and for general operating expenses such as printing, postage, and office supplies.

The Declaration of Restrictions applicable to each lot in Saddlebrook states that the owner of the home (as of January 31 of each year) is responsible for paying the assessment. If you have questions about the annual assessment, email the Treasurer at